One Time Life Time Legacy
My Mom and Dad--married 57 years!

My Mom and Dad--married 69 years!

The purpose or mission of One Time Life Time Legacy is to provide people with the tools they need to have a life time marriage. That includes making wise choices in regards to dating, developing the relationship skills necessary in marriage, and making the intentional  decision that your marriage will be your only marriage.



These selections have been written and compiled by

Linda Campbell, FACS/ED


Campbell is a retired high school teacher specializing in


classes such as Marriage and Family, Parenting, Child Care/Development, and


Personal Wellness. She also led a divorce recovery group for over fifteen years.


The Campbells have three adult sons, one adult daughter, one son in high school,


and two granddaughters. The information contained on this site can


be presented as a workshop for teens or adults. Call (815) 603-2522 to schedule.




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